published articles
1. Recent Work on Kantian Maxims I: Established Approaches
2. Recent Work on Kantian Maxims II (this was supposed to have a colon after "II", followed by "New Approaches". Didn't happen.)
3. The Relationship between the Gesinnung and the Denkungsart
4. Does Religious Belief Matter for Grief and Death Anxiety? Experimental Philosophy Meets Psychology of Religion (with David B. Feldman and Ian C. Fischer)
5. True Religion in Hume's Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion (with Tim Black)
6. Why Is Kant Noncommittal about Grace?
7. Kant's Theodicy and Its Role in the Development of Radical Evil
8. 21% Versus 79%: Explaining Philosophy's Gender Disparities with Stereotyping and Identification (with Debbie Ma, Clennie Webster, and Nanae Tachibe)
9. Broad and Narrow Epistemic Standing: Its Relevance to the Epistemology of Disagreement